- Who published a white paper proposing Ethereum in 2013?
Ethereum was proposed by Vitalik Buterin. He published the white paper in late 2013.-What happens if someone loses the private key of his wallet?
-Who owns the Blockchain?
Answer: No single entity owns the entire blockchain. Blockchains are decentralized and distributed ledgers that operate on a network of computers (nodes). Ownership of the blockchain is distributed across all participants (nodes) in the network. Each node has a copy of the entire blockchain, and they work together to reach consensus on the validity of transactions and the state of the ledger.
-What is Public & Private blockchain?
--What is stream cipher and block cipher?
- Write a short note on crypto wallet.
-What are the tasks of miners?
-Which are the components of blockchain?
- What are the layers of blockchain?
-Define transaction and explain its structure.
-What is the difference between public and private blockchains?
-Blockichains are slow as comgure in database. Imanfy.
-Write a short note on challenges of blockchain
-Write a short note on first Generation Blockchain.