Chapter 2 Multimedia
1 mark
a) SMTP is a push protocol. State true or false, Justify
Answer: False.
Justification: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is primarily a pull protocol. In email communication, the client (receiver) pulls emails from the server (sender) when it wants to check for new messages. The client initiates the communication and requests the server to send any pending emails. This pull mechanism tells us that email clients retrieve messages, making SMTP a pull (client-driven) protocol.
c) Define Jitter and Translation.
Definition: Jitter refers to the variation in the delay of received packets in a communication system. It is the irregularity in the timing of data packets, leading to fluctuations in the arrival time of consecutive packets.
Definition: Translation is the process of converting data or messages from one format or protocol to another. It involves adapting information to be compatible with different systems or networks.
2 mark
d) What is streaming live audio/video?
b) What is streaming audio/video? Also write examples.
Answer: Streaming Audio/Video: Streaming audio/video is the continuous delivery of multimedia content over the internet. Users can start playing the content without waiting for the entire file to download. Streaming enables real-time consumption of media.
YouTube: Users can stream videos on YouTube without downloading the entire video file beforehand.
Spotify: Streaming music on Spotify allows users to listen to songs without downloading them first.
Netflix: Streaming movies and TV shows on platforms like Netflix enables users to watch content as it is delivered in real-time.
4 mark
c) Explain Streaming Stored Audio / Video first approach: using a web server, with advantages and disadvantages.
In this approach, stored audio or video content is delivered to users in real-time, but the content is pre-recorded and stored on a web server.
1) On-Demand Access: Users can access content whenever they want, providing flexibility.
2) Bandwidth Efficiency: Users don't need to download the entire file, reducing bandwidth requirements.
3) Content Management: Easier management of pre-recorded content on servers.
1) Limited Interactivity: Limited interactivity as the content is pre-recorded, lacking real-time engagement.
2) Storage Requirements: Requires significant storage space for storing large volumes of multimedia content.
3 Latency: Some latency may be present as the server needs time to transmit the content to users.
a) Explain Real-Time Interactive Audio / Video with diagram.
Real-time interactive audio/video involves the transmission of live content between users in real-time. This is often used in video conferencing, online meetings, or gaming.
1) Users A and B: Represent two users engaging in a real-time audio/video interaction.
2) Audio/Video Streams: Bidirectional streams show the exchange of audio and video data between users.
3) Server (Optional): In some cases, a server may facilitate the communication, especially in larger-scale applications.
Key Features:
1) Low latency for real-time communication.
2) Bidirectional data flow for interactive engagement.
3) Suitable for applications like video conferencing, live streaming, or online gaming.